
We propose multiple methods for effectively training a sequence-to-sequence automatic guitar transcription model which uses tokenized music representation as an output. Our proposed method mainly consists of 1) a hybrid CTC-Attention model for sequence-to-sequence automatic guitar transcription that uses tokenized music representation, and 2) two data augmentation methods for training the model. Our proposed model is a generic encoder-decoder Transformer model but adopts multi-task learning with CTC from the encoder to speed up learning alignments between the output tokens and acoustic features. Our proposed data augmentation methods scale up the amount of training data by 1) creating bar overlap when splitting an excerpt to be used for network input, and 2) by utilizing MIDI-only data to synthetically create audio-MIDI pair data. We confirmed that 1) the proposed data augmentation methods were highly effective for training generic Transformer models that generate tokenized outputs, 2) our proposed hybrid CTC-Attention model outperforms conventional methods that transcribe guitar performance with tokens, and 3) the addition of multi-task learning with CTC in our proposed model is especially effective when there is an insufficient amount of training data.

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