P3-07: Composer's Assistant: An Interactive Transformer for Multi-Track MIDI Infilling

Martin E Malandro (Sam Houston State University)*

Subjects (starting with primary): MIR fundamentals and methodology -> symbolic music processing ; Knowledge-driven approaches to MIR -> machine learning/artificial intelligence for music ; Human-centered MIR -> human-computer interaction ; MIR tasks -> music generation

Presented In Person: 4-minute short-format presentation


We introduce Composer’s Assistant, a system for interactive human-computer composition in the REAPER digital audio workstation. We consider the task of multi-track MIDI infilling when arbitrary track-measures have been deleted from a contiguous slice of measures from a MIDI file, and we train a T5-like model to accomplish this task. Composer's Assistant consists of this model together with scripts that enable interaction with the model in REAPER. We conduct objective and subjective tests of our model. We release our complete system, consisting of source code, pretrained models, and REAPER scripts. Our models were trained only on permissively-licensed MIDI files.

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